Hi MIchael,

Glad Ido (thanks!) was able to help - the advise was totally correct, your data does appear to be in .fastqsanger format already and can just be assigned to be recognized by tools. When unsure going forward, run FastQC.

If you need more help about working with FASTQ data in Galaxy, see this wiki section and the next for some orientation:


Galaxy team

On 8/26/13 8:17 AM, Law, Michael J. wrote:
I am completely new to using galaxy. I have a quick question. I have uploaded my fastq files generated from my experiment for alignments using bowtie. I try to set up the alignment, only to receive the error message that I don't have any sequences with ASCII encoded quality scores. However, when I contact my sequencing facility, they say that the scores are present in the files and that it may be an issue with galaxy.
Any help you can provide would be appreciated!

Michael Law

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