3 Jan
3 Jan
4:52 p.m.
Hi, I have an RNA-seq study with 6 runs. The output is 6 Illumina fastq files. I would like to be able to run FASTQ Groomer and Bowtie on all 6 in parallel, utilizing a multi-processor box. Is this possible? It appears (to our IT group) that Galaxy won't be able to utilize multiple processors on an SMP box for the same user session, and we would need to set up a cluster to do things like this. Is this so? Is there a work-around? Thanks. Yury -- Yury V. Bukhman, Ph.D. Associate Scientist, Bioinformatics Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center University of Wisconsin - Madison 445 Henry Mall, Rm. 513 Madison, WI 53706, USA Phone: 608-890-2680 Fax: 608-890-2427 Email: ybukhman@glbrc.wisc.edu