I am bothered by an error/bug during the usage of Galaxy (it's
daily-used tool for me. Thanks) --- it seems that the strand
information is not taken into consideration when getting the "Overlapping
pieces of Intervals" by doing the intersection of two queries. To
focus on the problem, I make a minimal dataset here: first
and second in the following BED track file. I also
listed the intersected results from Galaxy. You can test it by past the
each dataset into Galaxy and do intersection ("Overlapping pieces of
Intervals" of first query that intersect second query)
You can see the problem easily if you view the following track in USCS
browser (hg18): the two forward (+) regions in first query
should be only intersected with the forward (+) regions
in second query, NOT regions on reverse strand. That's my understanding
to intersection. Isn't right? From the result, it seems that each
region in first query is intersected with each region in second query
(NO MATTER its strand). I think if my understanding is correct, this
should be correct soon, since intersection is such a widely used tool
in Galaxy.
browser position chr9:35799363-35799773
track name="first" description="first query" visibility=2 color=255,0,0
chr9 35799401 35799509 ENSE00001149735 0 -
chr9 35799377 35799729 ENSE00001383867 0 +
chr9 35799377 35799729 ENSE00001476040 0 +
track name="second" description="second query" visibility=2
chr9 35799376 35799442 CCDS6590.1_cds_21_0_chr9_35799377_f 0 +
chr9 35799400 35799509 CCDS6592.1_cds_1_0_chr9_35799401_r 0 -
track name="intersect" description="Overlapping pieces of Intervals
(from Galaxy)" visibility=2 color=0,0,255
chr9 35799401 35799509 ENSE00001149735 7 -
chr9 35799377 35799509 ENSE00001383867 22 +
chr9 35799377 35799509 ENSE00001476040 21 +
Xianjun Dong
PhD student, Lenhard group
Computational Biology Unit
Bergen Center for Computational Science
University of Bergen
Hoyteknologisenteret, Thormohlensgate 55
N-5008 Bergen, Norway
E-mail: xianjun.dong@bccs.uib.no
Tel.: +47 555 84022
Fax : +47 555 84295