
I am running galaxy locally (I believe it is distribution b258de1e6cea -- downloaded 6 Jan 2012 and haven't upgraded yet), and inadvertantly chose 'create new' under options which 'cleared' the history that I had been working with.  I have not run anything since, so nothing should be overwritten, and in fact  I can find the COMPLETE list of data files in galaxy-dist/database/files/000. 

Is there any way that I can recover my history, or can I at least load desired .dat files from within that folder by navigating there using upload data? 

Any help/recommendations would be greatly appreciated. 

And yes, I also need to reconfigure my local instance such that it will actually let me SAVE my histories, as it currently tells me I need to be 'logged in', but then won't let me log in.  Perhaps there's a fix for that in more recent releases?  But one problem at a time. 

Thank you,   Jane

Jane E. Dorweiler, PhD