Hi Haiyan (and thank you, Jennifer to have point out the problem). I guess you're talking about our CARPET tool (not CAPRET) at our Galaxy site (http://bio.ifom-ieo-campus.it/galaxy). I think the problem was due to a hardware failure that we experienced last week and I assume that now the issue is resolved, but if you have still any problem, please, feel free to contact me as soon as you need. HTH Lucilla
On 15/9/10 08:36:23 AM, Jennifer, Jackson wrote:
Hello -
Is does not seems that you are using galaxy main at http://usegalaxy.org.
If you are still having problems, it would be best to contact the owner of the instance that you are using and/or the author of the tool wrapper. (Even if the tool/functionality came from the Tool Shed, the tool author would primary contact as these are community driven).
Hopefully this helps,
Jen Galaxy team
On 11/9/10 8:34 AM, Lei, Haiyan (NIH/NIDDK) [F] wrote:
Does anyone have problem with CAPRET Com&Uni function recently? I submit the jobs, but the status is always "running"? The website problem? Thanks.
Haiyan Lei, Ph.D. LMB,NIH/NIDDK Bld 5, Rm b1-04 BethesdaMD 20892 301-594-9864