Hello all, The Galaxy Project is putting together a workshop proposal for ISMB/ECCB. The theme of the proposed workshop will be "Genomics for Emerging Models" or "Genomics: Flying without a reference". We want to have 4 talks that show attendees particular solutions to challenges that arise when working with organisms that don't have a closely related reference genome available. *The proposal is due Friday, February 11*, in just two days. Our aim is to highlight the solutions, with Galaxy gluing it all together, but not being the focus of the workshop. We want to highlight the science while also demonstrating the power of Galaxy. If you have an approach that addresses a challenge with non-model organisms (and that approach involves Galaxy!), please consider presenting it at ISMB as part of this workshop proposal. *If we get more than 4 proposals, we'll make a final call on what to include in the proposal on Thursday night. * Workshop guidelines and info are at http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2011-submission-details/workshops. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Dave C -- http://galaxy.psu.edu/gcc2011/ http://getgalaxy.org http://usegalaxy.org/