Hi all,
has anybody an idea how to do the following in galaxy?
I have short (400bp) metagenome reads and I have used meta-Genemark to find protein coding regions in the unassembled reads. Meta-Genemark outputs a GFF3 file (you find a sample at the bottom of the post).
I saw that Galaxy has a tool to fetch sequence from a genome file using a GFF format file: "Extract Genomic DNA using coordinates from assembled/unassembled genomes
". I would like to use that tool, if possible.
The problem is however that I get the following error:
Unspecified genome build, click the pencil icon in the history item to set the genome build.
Of course I have no genome, so I am a bit stuck and I have no clue on how to use the coordinates in my GFF file to extract those regions from my metagenome reads. Anybody an idea for a proper workflow?