Hi, all, Today, Ross and I tried to share our histories. And Ross told me, he had made his history accessible to me. I assume here when somebody made his history shared with me, I would automatically receive an email containing the link of the shared page. But in fact, I have not received such an email by now, one hour later than Ross shared his history. So could someone give me some instructions on how to access a shared history? Best, Ying By the way, I tried to share my history with Ross, but seems rch8@psu.edu is not a valid user. I am wondering when you update Galaxy to version 2.2, have you also transferred the user registrations to the new version? Because the first time I used Galaxy 2.2, I need re-register for myself again. Another concern is that Galaxy 2.2 should be our best galaxy up to now. So why don't we update the link in UCSC table browser? Yesterday, when I asked a result from table browser to be reported to galaxy, I was re-directed to the oldest galaxy1.