Hi, I have tested the new cuffdiff version in galaxy and was very eager to now also get the replicate data for each test. Have anyone tried that yet and succeeded with replicates in downstream R package CummeRbund? Even though I successfully build database with the now 15 output files (including read group tracking), no error message, I can not plot anything with replicates=T. Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, bind.data) : RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near "from": syntax error) Anyone know the problem? Thanks, Johanna ...................................................................................................................................................... Johanna Sandgren, PhD Department of Oncology-Pathology CCK, Karolinska Institutet SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden +46-8-517 721 35 (office), +46-8- 321047(fax), +46-708 388476 (mobile)