Hi Di,

You need to remove the starting comment/hash from the admin_users line:
admin_users = dknguyen@uw.edu

Thanks for using Galaxy,


On Jul 20, 2012, at 5:13 PM, Di Nguyen wrote:

Dear all,

Please help me figure out what went wrong to set up ADMIN in my local instance using the new retinaMBP! This is what I did

1. I changed universe_wsgi.ini.sample file into universe_wsgi.ini (using Mac TextEdit)

2. Then, I edited universe_wsgi.ini as followed:

# Administrative users - set this to a comma-separated list of valid Galaxy
# users (email addresses).  These users will have access to the Admin section
# of the server, and will have access to create users, groups, roles,
# libraries, and more.  For more information, see:
# http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Admin/Interface
#admin_users = dknguyen@uw.edu

3. I shutdown Galaxy, rerun sh run.sh, log back in Galaxy but still no Admin function.

4. The reason that I wanted to ad Admin function is to import my NGS files (bigger than 2Gb fer sure) into Galaxy database. Please give me some tips on this as well.

Thank you very much,

Di Nguyen, postdoc
U of Washington, Seattle, WA

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