Hi, I am finding that the run time on the public galaxy is exceptionally long, with job submitted yesterday still waiting to start. Given that I need to have analyses performed more quickly, I have tried to use Galaxy on the Cloud. Is this the following still the current version of cloudman to use? Current AMI: AMI: ami-da58aab3 Name: 861460482541/galaxy-cloudman-2011-03-22 I have set up instances for this version and have waited for over an hour for them to load, with multiple attempts to get the websites to open. All status indicators say that the instance is running. Any insight welcomed--- thanks--- Diana ********************************** Diana Cox-Foster, Professor office: 536 ASI Bldg MAIL: 501 ASI Bldg Department of Entomology Penn State University University Park, PA, USA 16802 email: dxc12@psu.edu office phone: 814-865-1022 dept. phone: 814-865-1895