Hi all


We are working with chip-chip data of S. cerevisiae (from Affymetrix) and actually we have two problems and we don´t know if it´s possible to perform in Galaxy:


  1. We use the tool intersect to get the annotation of positive genomic regions in our file bed. After, we need calculate statistical enrichments for associations between genomics regions and annotations. It´s this possible in Galaxy?
  2. Other query. How plot for visual inspection enrichment ratio profile versus different sets of genomic loci (i.e.: tRNA, LTR,…)


Best Regards,


If you have used the Services of the Genomics Unit of Cabimer, we would be grateful if you would give us a mention in future publications

Mónica Pérez Alegre, PhD

Genomics Unit


Edif. CABIMER - Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n

Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja 93

41092 Seville-SPAIN

Tlf:   +34 954 467 828

Fax: +34 954 461 664

