Hi, I have a workflow that requires a large number of files that happen to come in pair but are processed by different tools. One tool allows the user to specify inputs 1...N and produce a single output. The other tool takes a single input and produces a single output. In the simplest example say we have two pairs, the workflow looks something like: Set1.TypeA \ TypeA.Output Set2.TypeA / Set1.TypeB - Set1.TypeB.Output Set2.TypeB - Set2.TypeB.Output However when the user runs the workflow the inputs are requested in random order. While the inputs are labelled this can be confusing. It would be nice to be able to order the inputs for the workflow to always be something like: Set1.TypeA Set1.TypeB Set2.TypeA Set2.TypeB I searched the mailing lists and saw a request for something like this in 2008, but as far as I can tell nothing has ever been implemented. Is there a solution I am missing or do I need to implement a wrapper tool that would do this as opposed to using a workflow? Thanks! -- Jesse Erdmann Bioinformatics Analyst Masonic Cancer Center University of Minnesota jerdmann@umn.edu 612-626-3123 jesse@jesseerdmann.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/jesseerdmann