Dannon, Thanks for that. Adding 'migrated_tools_conf.xml.sample' fixed up most problems. I'm left with a couple though. 1. The tools (apart from file upload with Get Data) don't initially execute. This includes my new tools and existing ones like Text Manipulation / Paste Files side-by-side. They stay in the grey "waiting to run" mode for about 15-30 minutes, then run. 2. When they finally run, they compute and report fine but finish in the Red error colour, and stderr has reported as below.This is both my tools and the system standard ones. WARNING:galaxy.datatypes.registry:Overriding conflicting datatype with extension 'coverage', using datatype from /mnt/galaxyData/tmp/tmp6o5hnt. There's an oddity I should mention. When I first fire up galaxy-cloudman-2011-03-22, a remnant of my add-on tools is already showing at the top of the Tools menu. "PTM Tools" is there, and in tools_conf.xml. But the tools are not in tools/ptmtools, so the menu is inactive. It's like I've corrupted the file systems associated with galaxy-cloudman-2011-03-22. I'm thinking of trying it all on the Singapore AWS node where I can't have touched the AMI's or file sets. This has all been on US East. In fact it's been on US East 1d, I could try on 1a, I never go there normally, but they probably share data. I could try on US West. I'll let you know, if I don't hear before. Greg. On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Dannon Baker <dannonbaker@me.com> wrote:
The problem here is that the galaxy update failed to merge a change to run.sh because of minor customizations it has. We'll have a long term fix out for this soon, but for now what you can do is ssh in to your instance and update run.sh yourself prior to restarting galaxy. All you need to do is add 'migrated_tools_conf.xml.sample' to the SAMPLES in /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/run.sh, execute `sh run.sh --run-daemon` (or restart galaxy again from the admin page) and you should be good to go.
That new AMI you're seeing is not owned by the Galaxy Team, and we don't actually know who made it. Keep using the same galaxy-cloudman-2011-03-22 for now (and we'll always have the most up-to-date AMI listed at usegalaxy.org/cloud). Because of Cloudman's modular volume design almost nothing resides on the AMI itself, so we can (and do) update the tools and index volumes without having to touch it. So while the AMI reflects a date of almost a year old, the galaxy tools volume (and thus the actual Galaxy instance you're running) has been updated much more recently.
One last note- if you're updating and copying your tools in every time, you may want to try using the 'Persist changes' functionality available in the Cloudman admin panel. Once you've set your instance up how you want, if you click 'Persist changes to galaxyTools', it'll create a custom snapshot of your tools volume that will be used from that point forward with this instance.
Let me know if you have any more issues,
On Mar 9, 2012, at 2:53 AM, Greg Edwards wrote:
I'm trying to restart my Galaxy Cloudman service, using the same approach that has been successful over the last couple of months ..
- launch AMI 861460482541/galaxy-cloudman-2011-03-22 as m1.large - update from Cloudman console - copy in my tools etc etc - restart - away we go, all works
However today the update fails, the log says ...
from csamtools import * python path is: /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/numpy-1.6.0-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/pysam-0.4.2_kanwei_b10f6e722e9a-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/boto-2.2.2-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/Whoosh-0.3.18-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/pycrypto-2.0.1-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/python_lzo-1.08_2.03_static-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/bx_python-0.7.1_7b95ff194725-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/amqplib-0.6.1-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/pexpect-2.4-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.5.6_dev_r6498-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/Babel-0.9.4-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/MarkupSafe-0.12-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/Mako-0.4.1-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/WebHelpers-0.2-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/simplejson-2.1.1-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/wchartype-0.1-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/elementtree-1.2.6_20050316-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/docutils-0.7-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/WebOb-0.8.5-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/Routes-1.12.3-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/Cheetah-2.2.2-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/PasteDeploy-1.3.3-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/PasteScript-1.7.3-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.6.egg, /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib, /usr/lib/python2.6/, /usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2, /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk, /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old, /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/web/buildapp.py",
/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/pysam-0.4.2_kanwei_b10f6e722e9a-py2.6-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg/pysam/__init__.py:1: RuntimeWarning: __builtin__.file size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility line 82, in app_factory
app = UniverseApplication( global_conf = global_conf, **kwargs ) File "/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/app.py", line 24, in
self.config.check() File "/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/config.py", line 243,
in check
tree = parse_xml( config_filename ) File "/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/__init__.py",
line 105, in parse_xml
tree = ElementTree.parse(fname) File
"/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/elementtree-1.2.6_20050316-py2.6.egg/elementtree/ElementTree.py", line 859, in parse
tree.parse(source, parser) File
"/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/eggs/elementtree-1.2.6_20050316-py2.6.egg/elementtree/ElementTree.py", line 576, in parse
source = open(source, "rb") IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './migrated_tools_conf.xml' Removing PID file paster.pid
While I'm here, I see a new Galaxy Cloudman AMI
072133624695/galaxy-cloudman-2012-02-26. I can't manage to start that, I get an error as below, with all types of instance, (tiny/small/medium/large). Is that a recommended AMI now ? It would be good to have a new updated AMI.
Thanks !
-- Greg Edwards, Port Jackson Bioinformatics gedwards2@gmail.com
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-- Greg Edwards, Port Jackson Bioinformatics gedwards2@gmail.com