Hi guys, have a question about the cuffdiff output "differential expression testing". For most of you might sound "naive" but I'm new to this field and I have very little background in statistic. So, I have compared a control sample with 2 biological replicates using cuffdiff. I have now about 4000 genes which were tested. 1. How do I extrapolate the genes which are up- or downregulated from the 4000? 2. Is there a FPKM value above which a gene is up- or downregulated? 3.I used excel and sorted the values from highest to smallest: assuming that control highest value is 200 and the correspondent treated values is 2, can I say that that gene is downregulated in the treated ssamples by a 100 fold chnage? 4. Do I have to use at all the p_values given in the output to extrapolate the most up- or downregualted genes? I do not have yet cummerbund and I am not very good with R. And I 'm lost! Thanks, ib