Hans and Jeremy, thank you both very much for your answers! We'll try to enable the Export functionality, as you suggest, even if not yet finished, and we'll see if we can manage to resolve our problems, looking forward to the completion of these very useful functions ;). (thank you to the all Galaxy team: your're doing a fantastic job!) Best regards Lu At 01:55 03 09 2010, Jeremy Goecks wrote:
Hi Hans and Lucilla,
Sorry for the slow reply.
Have you tried the History option "Export to File", followed by "Import from File" ? This allows you to download/upload all files (and meta data) of one history.
Unfortunately, this functionality isn't yet finished and is disabled by default. We're hoping to have this functionality working in the next 6 weeks or so.
In the meantime, you can enable it, but it's not very robust right now and will likely only work with small histories. Let me know if you'd like instructions to enable it.
Best, J.