Hello Giuseppe,

Fold is included in the Cuffdiff output. Section "Differential expression tests", first file, column #9.

A tool like " Filter and Sort -> Filter" could be used to subset specific values.

Hopefully this helps,

Galaxy team

On 11/29/12 5:35 AM, Ianiri, Giuseppe wrote:
Hey guys,
I have my Cuffdiff output and I was trying to figure out how to get the data I need.
I am interested in the outputs Transcript and Gene differential expressed. Does anyone know how to filter for +/- 2-fold difference in expression levels?
Thank you

Giuseppe Ianiri, Ph.D. 
Division of Cell Biology and Biophysics
School of Biological Sciences
5100 Rockhill Road
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Kansas City, MO 64110
Email: ianirig@umkc.edu

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