6 Jun
6 Jun
1:16 p.m.
Hello, I want to add Ray (a scalable de novo assembler for genomes and metagenomes) to Galaxy. Ray is GPLv3 [1]. I have read http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Tools/Add%20Tool%20Tutorial and I understand that I have to write a Tool Definition File in XML. I also visited the source code here: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/src/5de636ce68faededc52d7b0c1616... I will also have to write a wrapper for Ray to prepare the command line from the options provided by the Galaxy API. But where is stored the executable (in my case, where is sdtored Ray) ? Does Galaxy include the specs to build all the tools available in Galaxy-Central ? --- [1] http://denovoassembler.sourceforge.net/