Hong: I'm forwarding this to our official user mailing list. Please, use it in the future for your inquiries. Thanks! anton Anton Nekrutenko http://nekrut.bx.psu.edu http://usegalaxy.org On Apr 3, 2012, at 4:37 PM, xu hong wrote:
Hi Anton,
I'm a biological student using Galaxy sever to fetch sequences in fasta format for our bioinformatics data analysis. First, I uploaded our BED file(I think there is no significant difference from the GFF format defined in Galaxy/UCSC), and then use "Fetch Sequences" function in Galaxy Server. However, I got the following error:
"2: Extract Genomic DNA on data 1 0 bytes An error occurred running this job: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/galaxy/home/g2main/galaxy_main/tools/extract/extract_genomic_dna.py", line 288, in <module> f __name__ == "__main__": __main__() File "/galaxy/home/g2main/galaxy_main/tools/extract/extract_genomic_dna.py" "
Could you help me configure out what's wrong with my analysis or could you get the fasta file I want for me?
Attached is the BED file(based on hg18) I uploaded to Galaxy server in psu.
Beg your reply.
Best Hong Xu Zhejiang University,China <IGGPart2.rar>