   What I did was to create a directory with sub-directories for each user or data set. Then you can change the universe_wsgi_ini in line 375 and put your directory path there
library_import_dir=your path
    Then as admin you can upload the files from the directory, actually you create a link to them and also change the accession permission to those files.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 1:49 AM, Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruening@pharmazie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
Hi Norbert,

please have a look at the FTP-Upload feature from galaxy.
The idea is that every user gets an FTP folder in which he can upload
data. If you create such a directory you can probably link your data in
such directories and galaxy will offer them to the users in the upload

Hope that helps.

> Hello,
> hopefully this is a simple question: How can I include a folder into the
> Galaxy server?
> The backgroud is, that I installed Galaxy on one of out server, which
> has access to the data folders used everywhere at our institute.  So,
> instead of uploading and copying serveral big files (and waisting space
> on servers) I want to make a link to the appropiate folder, so it can be
> used like as the data has been uploaded.  I hope I explained enough
> details...  The question is: is it possible?
> Thanks for help, Norbert

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Luciano Cosme

PhD Candidate
Texas A&M Entomology
Vector Biology Research Group
979 845 1885