We have a local install of Galaxy and are using it for training grad and undergrad students
(using the Windshield Splatter data). We have a relatively new install and the Megablast
seems to be doing something funny with the output in that column 2 which is supposed to be
the GI of the database hit is now two numbers joined with an underline (see below). I need to
tell my IT people what is wrong so they can correct the problem.
BL1-1-3 157649053_111750 91.30 46 4 0 10 55 58541 58496 2e-
06 60.0
BL1-1-5 161788633_175843 100.00 26 0 0 15 40 48812 48787 4e-
04 52.0
Douglas Rhoads, Professor of Biological Sciences
Director of Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology
601 SCEN, Dept. of Biological Sciences,
1 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201
phone: 479-575-3251 FAX: 479-575-4010