Hi everybody, Despite I purged all data from my Galaxy account and double checked that my account is actually empty by looking at Saved Histories/Advanced Search/status:all, my account is indicating that I am using half of it (as indicated in User/Preferences). Moreover, this is preventing me to actually use more than half of my account showing that it is not a display problem. It is also not a refresh rate problem since this problem started several months ago. Could you please help me with that? All the best, Itys -- Itys COMET, Ph.D. - Helin Group BRIC - University of Copenhagen Ole Maaløes Vej 5, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark Phone: +45-353 25602 Fax: +45-353 25669 Email: itys.comet@bric.ku.dk Web page: http://www.bric.ku.dk/research/Helin_Group/