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Glycofect is a new transfection reagent that eliicits low cytoxicity response coupled with high delivery effciency and transgene expression.  Glycofect is a superior reagent for primary cell transfection as compared to leading lipid and polycation-based products.

Glycofect is a cationic carbohydrate-containing synthetic polymer based on poly-glycoamidoamine (PGAA) polymer library developed by Dr. Theresa M. Reineke et al. These polymers contain linkages that hydrolyse upon endocytosis, thereby increasing plasmid delivery and reducing toxicity.


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Primary Dermal Fibrobalsts (left) transfected with green flourescent protein using a leading lipid-based reagent (center) and Glycofect Transfection Reagent (right). 


T.M. Reineke "PGAAs: " Cationic Glycopolymers for DNA Delivery" J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 2006, 44, 6895-6908.

Y. Liu, T.M. Reineke, "Poly(glycoamidoamine)s for Gene Delivery. Stability of Polyplexes and Efficacy with Cardiomyoblast Cells" Bioconjugate Chem. 2006, 17, 101-108.

Y. Liu, T.M. Reineke, "Degradation of Poly(glycoamidoamine) DNA Delivery Vehicles: Polyamide Hydrolysis at Physiological Conditions Promotes DNA Release." Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11, 316.

Y. Liu, T.M. Reineke, "Hydroxyl Stereochemistry and Amine Number wihin Poly(glycoamidoamine)s Affect Intracellular DNA Delivery." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127, 3004