Hello, If I was to choose the following search criteria Group:all tracks, track:SNP, region: chr5:7922217-7954237, then click INTERSECT and choose Group:all tracks, track:TFBS conserved and select GTF output format. This example searches for any SNPs that are in the Transcription factor binding sites within the genomic region that codes for the MTRR gene, but the output does not tell me that the SNP rs6868871 is found in the TFBS V$58_01 914, I have to work that out for myself by then searching the whole table again but from a TFBS start point and intersecting with SNPs. I am trying to use galaxy to Join two Queries side by side on a specified field. I am trying to relate SNPs to the TFBS they are associated with. For example, SNP rs6868871 is found in TFBS V$58_01 914. However, i can not seem to get galaxy to work, i think this is because the SNP site is something like this '165878639 - 165878640' and a TFBS site is something like this '165878630 - 165878641' and although the positions overlap, galaxy can not tell that. Is this the case? Or do you know of how i can get around it? Regards, Gareth Whiteley Gareth Whiteley University of Liverpool Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics The Sherrington Buildings Ashton Street Liverpool L69 7GE Tel: 0151 795 4224 E-mail: g.whiteley@liverpool.ac.uk