Correct, all running jobs will be stopped and there isn't currently any way to suspend running jobs. Jobs that haven't dispatched yet (not in the 'running' state) should, however, resume after the restart. And as far as resizing from cloudlaunch, no, currently resizing is only possible from a running cluster though this is an interesting idea. Sun, Wenping [USA] wrote: Thank you for the help. I assume that if galaxy will shutting down while re-sizing, the current running jobs will be stopped. Could the running jobs be suspended which will be continuing after auto-restart? If not, I may need to wait my job finished. It will be very helpful if you can confirm this. Additional question, is there any way that I can adjust root, ebs volumes while initiating at cloudlaunch site? This would be help saving the time for the re-sizing as you mentioned. Thank you in advance, Kathryn