Hi All, I have a little how to do question and was hoping somebody knows the answer? I have a metagenomic data set with reads of lengths between 100 and 1000 bp. Now I want to create a dataset from my original dataset, with sequences of exact 200bp. I know I can use the filter tool to extract all reads longer than 199bp from the original data set. But then I want to cut off all the sequence bit that is longer than 200bp. so I end up with only a dataset of exactly 200bp. Does anybody know how I can do that in Galaxy. I was thinking of some of the EMBOSS tools, but they only see the first sequence and not all the other sequences in my Fasta file? Any ideas are welcome. Cheers Thomas Dr. Thomas H.A. Haverkamp Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) Dept. of Biology University of Oslo P.O. Box 1066 Blindern 0316 Oslo Norway Phone: +47 22 85 44 00 Mobile: +47 48 09 49 32 E-mail: thhaverk@bio.uio.no Skype: Thomieh73