Hi galaxy-users! I wrote a tool that splits a FASTA file into n output files, each one of a predefined maximum size. The program could return the number of files or a list of filenames... Is it possible to define the number of outputs dynamically (nr of output files dependent on input-filesize)? Thanks! till now i experimented with: <tool id="seqan_splitter_1" name="FASTA splitter"> <description>Splits input files into pieces of desired size</description> <command interpreter="python"> ./tools/RNA-seq/fasta-splitter/fasta-splitter.py --maxsize $size 2> $log_report </command> <inputs> <param name="source" type="data" format="fasta" label="input fasta file"/> <param name="size" type="integer" label="Size in Megabyte of each output file" value="500" optional="false"/> <param name="files" type="hidden" value="10"/> </inputs> <outputs> #for $i < $files <data format="fasta" name="\$i" label="Splitted file"/> #end for <data format="text" name="log_report" label="Detailed log report from splitter"/> </outputs> </tool>