Dear all, in cuffdiff outputs e.g. transcript differential expression, I find for example: value_1 value_2 log2(fold_change) 7.77183 0 -1.79769e+308 or value_1 value_2 log2(fold_change) 0 14.5972 1.79769e+308 for many many rows. if I sort in excel my data by fold change column (big to small ), all the rows with -1.79769e+308 or +1.79769e+308 are on the top. How can be sure that these on the top are really the most up-regulated or down regulated transcripts if I don't know the real value of one of the two samples (is 0 really zero?)? I was told that the zero in one if the two samples is very small number and Cuffdiff simply writes 0, but it is not absolutely zero, otherwise it would not be possible ot have -1.79769e+308 or 1.79769e+308 Could you please tell me then how can I extrapolate the highest fold change? (up and down regualted)?or of what is done by sorting by log fold chnage is correct? Thanks, ib