Hi all, I ran into a small issue with account creation, likely to affect people using a netbook or other device with a low (vertical) resolution. I don't think I have an account on main.g2.bx.psu.edu so I tried using OpenID via GoogleMail. This brought me to the following page: http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/user/openid_associate?username=&status=warning&message=OpenID+authentication+was+successful%2C+but+you+need+to+associate+your+OpenID+with+a+Galaxy+account.&use_panels=True&email= There are no scroll bars on this page (which usually means the page explicitly disabled them), and it is too long to fit on my screen without zooming out so much that I can hardly read it. I'm using Firefox 3.6 on Linux. (I then got a username clash, and realised I'd already made an account with a different email address) Peter