Laura: SNP identification and analysis is a very complex subject and without knowing what you are trying to do it is very difficult to point you to the right direction. Perhaps a good place to start would be a supplement for the last year's report from 1000 Genomes Consortium (Nature. 467(7319): p. 1061-1073). Some of the steps you can perform through Galaxy, yet some are in development. Thanks! anton galaxy team On Apr 5, 2011, at 5:19 AM, Laura Iacolina wrote:
Dear all, I’m analysing SNPs data for the first time. I tried with the few software I found in litterature but they can only manage small datasets. I am currently trying with “genetics” package in R but the Geno function takes into account a marker at a time. Considering I have to analyse 200 samples with 50K markers is there any way to tell R to analyse each SNP one after the other?
Thank you very much for the help.
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