As a follow up I found a command that should add the new nodes as submit hosts and I tried to run it but I got this error: $ qconf -as ip-10-28-164-178.ec2.internal denied: "ubuntu" must be manager for this operation What does it mean by manager? How would I run this command? I guess my preference is for Cloudman to do this automatically though so I'll be distributing this program to 3rd party users using the built-in cloudman sharing. I can't rightly ask users to be running qconf. Thanks again, Greg On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 3:59 PM, greg <margeemail@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,
I created a new Galaxy instance web launcher (https://biocloudcentral.herokuapp.com/launch) and then I ssh'd into the master node.
I'm trying to run a Perl script that makes several qsub calls to other perl scripts. Now the catch is that one of those perl scripts makes its own qsub calls.
And I'm getting this error when it tries to do that:
Unable to run job: denied: host "ip-10-29-176-111.ec2.internal" is no submit host.
Somehow this works fine on other clusters I've run this code on. Any idea what could be going on? Do I need to make all of the nodes "submit hosts"?
Thanks a bunch!