sorry for insisting on this, I just would like to have a confirmation about the upgrading procedure...
Are those steps sufficient?
I have upgraded my local install by getting the latest source like this:
hg pull -u
then I compared the *.sample.xml files against my *.xml files (tool_conf.xml).
I have also upgraded my DB (from version 6 to 7).
I have also launched :
sh run_functional_tests.sh
and I got a message:
*** This program requires python version 2.5 or higher
*** Current python version is: 2.4.3.final.0
I have python 2.4.3. Do I need to upgrade it?
During the tests execution I saw the following error messages:
Test uploading encode data ... ERROR
Gencode Partition ( gencode_partition1 ) > Test-1 ... FAIL
Stitch MAF blocks ( Interval_Maf_Merged_Fasta2 ) > Test-1 ... FAIL
Stitch MAF blocks ( Interval_Maf_Merged_Fasta2 ) > Test-2 ... FAIL
Summary Statistics ( Summary_Statistics1 ) > Test-1 ... FAIL
BLAT ( blat_wrapper ) > Test-1 ... FAIL
Fetch taxonomic representation ( Fetch Taxonomic Ranks ) > Test-1 ... FAIL
Poisson two-sample test ( poisson2test ) > Test-1 ... FAIL
Poisson two-sample test ( poisson2test ) > Test-2 ... FAIL
Compute phastOdds score ( phastOdds_for_intervals ) > Test-1 ... FAIL
LAV to BED ( lav_to_bed1 ) > Test-1 ... FAIL
FAILED (failures=38, errors=5)
the rest are OK, some errors and failures I guess are due to the fact that I do not have some tools installed (e.g. BLAT)
Do I need to perform any other operation in order to upgrate my local install? (what about the "eggs"? Do I need to check for egg updates? how?)