
I have been looking into galaxy with a view to finding a platform target for developing code.  It is a very ambitious project, and you deserve congratulations for all the development work that has gone into it so far.

I have just started using the fastx barcode splitter tool and found that the job successfully completed with a tabular list of links to display results files contents. When I  run a 'get data - upload file from your computer' to load these split files into the galaxy system (as they do not seem to appear in the history list nor are they automatically accessible to Galaxy for some strange reason), I can only do this using the URL input field  (of  get data - upload file from your computer'), then the task fails and get error :

An error occurred running this job: The uploaded file contains inappropriate HTML content

The fastx documentation say the split files should be written to  /tmp , but that it not accessible on the public server  the files are not there on my installation.

Could anyone suggest alternative working methods for reloading the barcode split files?


Dr Jan Szubert