> Louise-Amélie Schmitt wrote:
>> Hello everyone
>> I observed an issue when flagstat is incorporated in a workflow in which
>> the BAM file it works on is also used by another program (generate
>> pileup for instance) and is NOT the input dataset (generated by sam to
>> bam within the workflow).
>> I tested it with the local job runner and with TORQUE (with the pbs
>> scheduler and Maui).
>> - With the local job runner, it works just fine
>> - With TORQUE I get the following error message:
>> pbs_submit failed, PBS error 15033: No free connections
> Hi,
> This can most likely be fixed by increasing the value of NCONNECTS in
> the TORQUE source, in src/include/libpbs.h, and recompiling on your
> TORQUE server. I haven't seen a problem after increasing the value to
> 20.
> --nate
>> Surprisingly, other non-linear workflows work fine. I only observed this
>> error with flagstat. Moreover, when flagstat is in a linear workflow, it
>> works fine too. Ad if it is non-linear but the input dataset is the bam
>> file flagstat works on, it works fine too.
>> Please find attached one of the test workflow where I found the error.
>> The input dataset is a sam file.
>> Any clue?
>> Cheers,
>> LA
>> {
>> "a_galaxy_workflow": "true",
>> "annotation": "to see if it fails if not forked",
>> "format-version": "0.1",
>> "name": "test flagstat",
>> "steps": {
>> "0": {
>> "annotation": "",
>> "id": 0,
>> "input_connections": {},
>> "inputs": [
>> {
>> "description": "",
>> "name": "Input Dataset"
>> }
>> ],
>> "name": "Input dataset",
>> "outputs": [],
>> "position": {
>> "left": 200,
>> "top": 200
>> },
>> "tool_errors": null,
>> "tool_id": null,
>> "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Input Dataset\"}",
>> "tool_version": null,
>> "type": "data_input",
>> "user_outputs": []
>> },
>> "1": {
>> "annotation": "",
>> "id": 1,
>> "input_connections": {
>> "source|input1": {
>> "id": 0,
>> "output_name": "output"
>> }
>> },
>> "inputs": [],
>> "name": "SAM-to-BAM",
>> "outputs": [
>> {
>> "name": "output1",
>> "type": "bam"
>> }
>> ],
>> "position": {
>> "left": 274.5,
>> "top": 307
>> },
>> "tool_errors": null,
>> "tool_id": "sam_to_bam",
>> "tool_state": "{\"source\": \"{\\\"index_source\\\": \\\"cached\\\", \\\"input1\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"__page__\": 0}",
>> "tool_version": "1.1.1",
>> "type": "tool",
>> "user_outputs": []
>> },
>> "2": {
>> "annotation": "",
>> "id": 2,
>> "input_connections": {
>> "input1": {
>> "id": 1,
>> "output_name": "output1"
>> }
>> },
>> "inputs": [],
>> "name": "flagstat",
>> "outputs": [
>> {
>> "name": "output1",
>> "type": "txt"
>> }
>> ],
>> "position": {
>> "left": 396.5,
>> "top": 445
>> },
>> "tool_errors": null,
>> "tool_id": "samtools_flagstat",
>> "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input1\": \"null\"}",
>> "tool_version": "1.0.0",
>> "type": "tool",
>> "user_outputs": []
>> },
>> "3": {
>> "annotation": "",
>> "id": 3,
>> "input_connections": {
>> "refOrHistory|input1": {
>> "id": 1,
>> "output_name": "output1"
>> }
>> },
>> "inputs": [],
>> "name": "Generate pileup",
>> "outputs": [
>> {
>> "name": "output1",
>> "type": "tabular"
>> }
>> ],
>> "position": {
>> "left": 519,
>> "top": 340
>> },
>> "tool_errors": null,
>> "tool_id": "sam_pileup",
>> "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"c\": \"{\\\"consensus\\\": \\\"no\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"indels\": \"\\\"no\\\"\", \"refOrHistory\": \"{\\\"input1\\\": null, \\\"reference\\\": \\\"indexed\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"lastCol\": \"\\\"no\\\"\", \"mapCap\": \"\\\"60\\\"\"}",
>> "tool_version": "1.1.1",
>> "type": "tool",
>> "user_outputs": []
>> }
>> }
>> }