Respected Sir / Ma'am,

I was running Intogen using galaxy, I changes parameters name and then this error came.

Can you please tell what is the meaning of this error ?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ganit/galaxy_work/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/", line 123, in prepare_job
  File "/home/ganit/galaxy_work/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/jobs/", line 702, in prepare
    self.command_line = self.tool.build_command_line( param_dict )
  File "/home/ganit/galaxy_work/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/tools/", line 2639, in build_command_line
    command_line = fill_template( self.command, context=param_dict )
  File "/home/ganit/galaxy_work/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/util/", line 9, in fill_template
    return str( Template( source=template_text, searchList=[context] ) )
  File "/home/ganit/galaxy_work/galaxy-dist/eggs/Cheetah-2.2.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64-ucs4.egg/Cheetah/", line 1004, in __str__
    return getattr(self, mainMethName)()
  File "", line 100, in respond
NotFound: cannot find 'fimpact'