The page seems to be loading now but I think I'm getting some weird behavior on my started instance. None of the services except SGE started up, and I see this under cluster status log on the main page: * 19:57:11 - Retrieved file 'persistent_data.yaml' from bucket 'cm-31bf91*********22c1a276ece' to 'pd.yaml'. * 19:57:11 - Master starting * 19:57:11 - Completed initial cluster configuration. * 19:57:27 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxyData/pgsql/data' does not exist (yet?) * 19:57:27 - Prerequisites OK; starting service 'SGE' * 19:57:32 - Configuring SGE... * 19:57:41 - Successfully setup SGE; configuring SGE * 19:58:16 - Attaching volume 'vol-35*********58' to instance 'i-ee7e298c' as device '/dev/sdg3' failed. Exception: EC2ResponseError: 400 Bad Request InvalidVolume.ZoneMismatchThe volume 'vol-35d4f058' is not in the same availability zone as instance 'i-ee*********def-3ce4-4c41-8909-15e0*********6e15 * 19:59:16 - Cannot detach volume 'vol-35d4f058' in state 'available' * 20:00:17 - Cannot detach volume 'vol-35d4f058' in state 'available' # 20:01:19 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyData' is not mounted. Error code 0 # 20:01:19 - Cannot start service 'Postgres' because prerequisites are not yet satisfied. # 20:01:19 - Cannot start service 'Galaxy' because prerequisites are not yet satisfied. # 20:01:19 - Saved file 'persistent_data.yaml' to bucket 'cm-31bf9*********9ff78a*********a276ece' # 20:01:19 - Trouble comparing local (/mnt/cm/post_start_script) and remote (post_start_script) file modified times: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/cm/post_start_script' # 20:01:24 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyData' is not mounted. Error code 0 # 20:01:24 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxyData/pgsql/data' does not exist (yet?) # 20:01:41 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyData' is not mounted. Error code 0 # 20:01:41 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxyData/pgsql/data' does not exist (yet?) # 20:01:57 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyData' is not mounted. Error code 0 # 20:01:57 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxyData/pgsql/data' does not exist (yet?) # 20:02:14 - STATUS CHECK: File system named 'galaxyData' is not mounted. Error code 0 # 20:02:14 - PostgreSQL data directory '/mnt/galaxyData/pgsql/data' does not exist (yet?) (I masked some of the numbers in case they're sensitive) On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:15 PM, mailing list <> wrote:
Hi guys,
Is the launch page down today?
It seems to just hang for me and not load.
Let me know if there's anything I can do