
thanks for all of the suggestions- so far we've had no luck in obtaining our sequences.
One thing I remember is that different browsers have different settings for how long they take until they time-out- maybe we should try something other than Safari?


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Yang, Mary \(NIH/NHGRI\) [F]" <yangma@mail.nih.gov>
Date: July 28, 2006 2:45:22 PM EDT
To: "Elnitski, Laura \(NIH/NHGRI\) [E]" <elnitski@mail.nih.gov>
Subject: Re: [Galaxy-user] Fwd: Galaxy2.2 Test retrieving DNA sequences

Ben and I tried the suggested options, none of them work. Also Ben tried the other ways, like curl, did not work  either.
