Hello Pieter, I'm not sure when the tarball is updated, but I believe it is nightly - I'll let Nate confirm. The dataset security features are fairly new, and we're still working out a few remaining issues. This is yet another bug that you've uncovered, and it has been fixed in change set 2465, which is available for download. Roles that are named the same as a user's Galaxy account ( their email ) are "private" roles associated with the user. There is a 1 to 1 mapping between a user and a private role, and user A should not be permitted to be associated with user B's private role. Also, it should not be possible for a user to be dis-associated with their private role. Both of these issues have been corrected in the change set. In addition, yet another bug was corrected, where a user's private role could be associated more than 1 time with the same user. Thanks very much for reporting these issues. Greg Von Kuster Galaxy development Team Pieter Neerincx wrote:
Hi Nate,
Thanks! It's more clear now. I've enabled the account in MySQL and it works fine again. Still I'm a bit puzzled though by how the assignment of roles works. I can not remove a role. If I remove a role and click save the changes won't stick... and the number for roles in the overview is incremented with every unsuccessful un-assignment...
I don't have mercurial, so I fetched a gzipped tarball. It does not seem to have a version number. Therefore I was wondering how often are these updated? Does that happen with a cron job overnight or just once every while?...