I've been uploading the .csfasta files and .qual files for my run. LOTS of data. Could that be doing this? LTR On 10/9/13 2:56 PM, Lei Yan wrote:
Hi all,
I found some very strange problems on our cloud Galaxy (http://galaxyclass.genenetwork.org/) recently, EVEN I did nothing.
* It shows galaxy and galaxyIndices have errors in CloudMan Admin Console. * This Galaxy had 3 nodes before, but right now only one node is there. * Galaxy front end still can be opened, but I don't know it really works as before or not.
I attached some screenshot and log files. Does anybody have any ideas for this? Thanks a lot.
Lei Yan Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
-- Lawrence T. Reiter, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Neurology 855 Monroe Ave., Link 415 Memphis, TN 38163 901-448-2635 (Office) 901-448-7440 (FAX) 901-448-7443 (Lab) e-mail: lreiter@uthsc.edu Reiter Faculty Page <http://www.uthsc.edu/neuroscience/faculty/L_Reiter.php> Reiter Citation Index <http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-kaQJ14AAAAJ&hl=en> Tooth Study <http://tinyurl.com/88f688l>