Hello! I am adding support for Galaxy's asynchronous data sources to a server of mine, but I cannot get Galaxy to retrieve the actual data from it. So far, I have added a data source tool to my Galaxy installation which links out to my server. There I track the URL that is provided by Galaxy and later I use this URL to tell Galaxy that the data can be retrieved. At this point, Galaxy returns an HTML document to me, which says (excerpt): "[...] <p>The following job has been successfully added to the queue:</p> <div style="padding: 10px"><b> 1: testserver</b></div> <p> You can check the status of queued jobs and view the resulting data by refreshing the <b>History</b> pane. When the job has been run the status will change from 'running' to 'finished' if completed successfully or 'error' if problems were encountered. </p> [...]" I just discard this HTML. When I then go back to my Galaxy server, nothing has happened. Even when I refresh, I do not see any job pending. Does anyone know why Galaxy would not retrieve the data? Do I really have to show the HTML that is returned by Galaxy to make it work? Thanks, Joachim