Hello Delong,

There were a small number of recent cluster errors during a short window earlier and it sounds as if you ran into that problem. Our apologies for the confusion. When this occurs, please just re-submit the job, as this is the best solution.

Empty output indicates an issue with parameters (no hits). This would not result in an error. Reevaluating these would be advised - links to the full tool documentation are on the tool form itself plus help reminders.

Take care,

Galaxy team

On 8/29/13 5:57 AM, Delong, Zhou wrote:
I've been trying tophat 2 on the public server since last week but I don't get any results. I got one empty output for " the output datasets were deleted while the job was running, the job was manually dequeued or there was a cluster error." one error with " Unable to queue job for execution. Resubmitting the job may succeed." and one empty output with no error message.
It seems that tophat 2 is new on the server, has anyone run it with success yet?

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