I saw this thread, though it is older I just want to make sure I did my analysis after the update.
You mention having to repeatedly merge cufflinks output for cuffcompare to generate the combined transcripts. I was able to add them all in the cuffcompare section with the "add new Additional GTF input file". also my command is:
cuffcompare -o cc_output -r /galaxy/main_database/files/002/048/dataset_2048606.dat -R -s /galaxy/data/hg19/sam_index/hg19.fa ./input1 ./input2 ./input3 ./input4 ./input5 ./input6 ./input7 ./input8 ./input9 ./input10
Also I was reading on seqanswers that cuffdiff didn't work with biological replicates, but when I did my galaxy analysis it had the "perform replicate analysis" available and was wondering if you had an updated version or did something else. I am analyzing a control and diseased group, with 5 biological samples in each group. Cuffdiff should work fine on this right? I got FPKM as output. Also do you know what statistical methods cuffdiff is using for analysis?
Lastly, in cuffdiff, the CDS, promoters and splicing analyses didn't seem to work (datasets 190,191,192). any ideas?