Thank you for the response.
Chandu,Tool execution generated the following error message:Error running cuffcompare. Warning: Your version of Cufflinks is not up-to-date. It is recommended that you upgrade to Cufflinks v1.1.0 to benefit from the most recent features and bug fixes ( No fasta index found for ./input1. Rebuilding, please wait.. Error: sequence lines in a FASTA record must have the same length!Cufflinks/compare/diff requires that your reference genome dataset have the following format:>my_chromAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGT...Note that all lines of sequence data have the same length.The problem you're seeing is because there are lines in your sequence data that are not the same length, e.g.>my_chromAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTAAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCGGTAGTTACCG...The FASTA Width tool in Galaxy can help you format your dataset correctly.Good luck,J.