I’m using a local instance of Galaxy. I’d like to filter a VCF file for SNPs that have passed filter (as indicated in the VCF file as “PASS” under column 7, FILTER). I can use the basic tab file filter tool (c7==’PASS’), but the resulting file has lost the VCF header and that’s causing a problem with the annotation tool that I want to use. Any advice on how to get around this? Thanks, Laura Laura Reinholdt, PhD Research Scientist Genetic Resource Science The Jackson Laboratory 600 Main Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609-1500 (207) 288-6000, ext. 6693 http://research.jax.org/grs/ http://research.jax.org/faculty/laura-reinholdt.html The information in this email, including attachments, may be confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). If you believe you received this email by mistake, please notify the sender by return email as soon as possible.