Thanks Brad. Your last point sounds suspiciously like something I would do ... So whenever I share I can terminate my instance but I shouldn't remove any data? Is that correct? Thanks, Greg On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Brad Chapman <chapmanb@50mail.com> wrote:
How do I know which snapshot is the appropriate one?
The Amazon console displays the description for snapshots. They should have a string like:
CloudMan share-a-cluster cluster_name: cm-31bf91279e41769ff78af22c1a276ec
The folder Dannon mentioned seems to be missing.
I swear this sharestring worked when I tested it two months ago. I can't imagine what happened.
CloudMan can't re-build the shared instance without the EC2 folder, since this contains all of the metadata. If you deleted it since last testing it, that would explain the errors you're seeing.
If it wasn't manually deleted, it's possible you may have deleted the entire cm-31bf91279e41769ff78af22c1a276ec bucket at some point when shutting down another CloudMan instance and checking "Remove all data." I've made this mistake in the past, forgetting that I had shared data in that cluster_name.
Hope this helps, Brad