Hi all, I have a question about a weird usage of galaxy: suppose I have 23 files, each for a chromosome, suppose the dataset name (in history) contains the chromosome name but the dataset content don't (i.e. I only have chrom position and 2 associated values), is there a way to add a column so that the content of the column contains the dataset name? In a automatic way, I mean... i.e. data-chr1 1000000 3.1 23 1000100 1.2 23 […] data-chr2 1234411 33.1 24 4225211 12.0 44 […] I would like them to be data-chr1 1000000 3.1 23 data-chr1 1000100 1.2 23 […] data-chr2 1234411 33.1 24 data-chr2 4225211 12.0 44 […] So that I can merge them and strip 'data-'... Oh, I know I can do it outside galaxy and upload the final file, but I would like to know if (and how) this is possible, d /* Davide Cittaro, PhD Head of Bioinformatics Core Center for Translational Genomics and Bioinformatics San Raffaele Scientific Institute Via Olgettina 58 20132 Milano Italy Office: +39 02 26439140 Mail: cittaro.davide@hsr.it Skype: daweonline */