In the Metagenomic Analysis tutorial they used a reduced dataset to speed things up. I am going to be using Galaxy as part of my hands- on Genomics and Bioinformatics course. In the lab portion, students (20-30) will be doing their own analyses. If everyone is trying to do a full dataset on the Windshield Splatter we will never get done with the Megablast. Is there a simple way, maybe using Galaxy to reduce the size of the 454 data and QV? Even if I have to make the reduced data sets myself.

Douglas Rhoads,  Professor of Biological Sciences
Director of Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology
601 SCEN, Dept. of Biological Sciences,
1 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701
phone: 479-575-3251  FAX: 479-575-4010