Hi, I can't import workflows from file on a freshly installed instance of Galaxy on Amazon Cloud. The error message is copied below. Do you have some idea on how to fix this? Thanks, Sébastien Internal Server Error
app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) Module paste.recursive:84 in __call__ return self.application(environ, start_response) Module paste.httpexceptions:633 in __call__ return self.application(environ, start_response) Module galaxy.web.framework.base:132 in __call__ return self.handle_request( environ, start_response ) Module galaxy.web.framework.base:190 in handle_request body = method( trans, **kwargs ) Module galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.workflow:1127 in import_workflow workflow, missing_tool_tups = self._workflow_from_dict( trans, data,
Galaxy was unable to sucessfully complete your request URL: http://ec2-50-19-79-199.compute-1.amazonaws.com/workflow/import_workflow Module galaxy.web.framework.middleware.error:149 in __call__ source=src,add_to_menu=add_to_menu ) Module galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.workflow:1823 in _workflow_from_dict
module = module_factory.from_dict( trans, step_dict, secure=False ) Module galaxy.workflow.modules:428 in from_dict return self.module_types[type].from_dict( trans, d, **kwargs ) Module galaxy.workflow.modules:222 in from_dict module.state.decode( d[ "tool_state" ], module.tool, module.trans.app, secure=secure ) Module galaxy.tools:849 in decode self.inputs = params_from_strings( tool.inputs, values, app, ignore_errors=True ) Module galaxy.tools.parameters:92 in params_from_strings value = json_fix( from_json_string( value ) ) Module simplejson:384 in loads Module simplejson.decoder:402 in decode TypeError: expected string or buffer