Hi Bjoern, Thank you very much for your reply! I am working on one species of oyster and the gene_ids are created from the transcriptome dataset, which is in our own defined format. I already have the gene_ids and GO annotation for each gene. I would like to do the GO enrichment to see which are highly represented in the data. Is there a tool in Galaxy to fulfill this? Thanks again, Yan -----邮件原件----- 发件人: Björn Grüning [mailto:bjoern.gruening@pharmazie.uni-freiburg.de] 发送时间: Monday, October 08, 2012 2:06 PM 收件人: Yan He 抄送: galaxy-user@lists.bx.psu.edu 主题: Re: [galaxy-user] How to do an GO enrichment analysis in Galaxy? Hi Yan, have a look at the blast2GO wrapper in the toolshed. If you already have gene-ids you can download the GO in an appropriate format and intersect with your ids. Hope that works, Bjoern
Hi everyone,
I got a list of differentially expressed genes from my RNA-seq data. Is there a tool on Galaxy that I can do the GO enrichment analysis for the differentially expressed genes? Any help or suggestion is highly appreciated!
Best regards,
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