Hello Galaxy Team,
I have been using Galaxy for SNP detection for with
great success. Basically, I followed the screen-cast
from Anton without any problems. The only change was to
use the BWA instead of Bowtie. Until now, I have always
assigned my raw read files to the hg19 format. Now I
want to try the GATK pipeline to analyze my samples but
I am running into a problem with the bam/bai files.
Here is what I did. I imported my Illumina paired end
reads into Galaxy and assigned them to the hg_g1k_v37 format instead of the
Hg19 format. From there, I again followed the exact
same process: FastQ Groomer, Summary Statistics,
Boxplots, Align with BWA, filter on SAM, SAM-to-Bam,
generate bai file. I made sure that hg_g1k_37 was
chosen for the format for all of these steps that
required that information.
Everything seemed to run
successfully as all of the boxed turned green. When I
tried to view the bam file in IGV (as a
QC step before the GATK pipeline), I received the
following error: "Error reading bam file. This usually
indicates a problem with the index (bai) file.
ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException: 4682 (4682)."
I did the exact same
analysis using the Hg19 format and my bam/bai files
worked perfectly fine in the IGV viewer. Can anyone
tell me what the problem is and how to fix it?
Mike Dufault